This is an about page of creators of this website


Riley Forman

I, Riley Forman, am amazing and don't care for socializing with others. I await for the downfall of civilization. I love watching stuff explode or burn. I love video games and music. I also believe in aliens and ghosts.

Bryson Albers

I am Bryson Albers and I am the official magic nerd. I'm very allergic to bullets. It is a condition that has plagued my family for a long time now. I also love wearing fedoras.

Analise Brown

I am Analise Brown and I like chocolate. I also like milk. I'm allergic to chocolate and milk. So I'm allergic to chocolate milk.

Jonah Day

I am a 15 year old humanoid being with absolutely no plans whatsoever to overthrow a small government. I am allergic to young children and Russian tanks.